Chakra Yoga Class & Yoga Philosophy
Saturday 28th November 9am - 1pm
Workshop Format
- 10 minutes Introduction
- 120 minutes Chakra Yoga Class
- 25 minutes Tea & Biscuit Break
- 15 minutes Meditation
- 70 minutes “Yoga Philosophy / Q&A
- Duration 4 Hours

Study Group
A Central Theme taught at the Centre is the interpretation of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in the Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and Study Group classes
Why the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Probably the most comprehensive text on Raja/Hatha yoga. It includes valuable information on the practice of Yoga
I have chosen below two of the many important aphorisms.
Yogas Citta Vritti Nirodhah - Yoga Sutras of Patangali ch.1 p.2
When the movements of the mind finally come to an end what remains is Yoga
Sthira Sukham Asanam - Yoga Sutras of Patangali ch.2p.46
The Posture should be Steady, Strong and Comfortable
Study Group
A Central Theme taught at the Centre is the interpretation of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in the Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and Study Group classes
Why the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Probably the most comprehensive text on Raja/Hatha yoga. It includes valuable information on the practice of Yoga
I have chosen below two of the many important aphorisms.
Yogas Citta Vritti Nirodhah - Yoga Sutras of Patangali ch.1 p.2
When the movements of the mind finally come to an end what remains is Yoga
Sthira Sukham Asanam - Yoga Sutras of Patangali ch.2p.46
The Posture should be Steady, Strong and Comfortable